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Showing posts from March, 2018

Friday Night Frenzy

If you guys could see my To Do list, you might cry. Or at least climb in the blanket fort with a tub of Rocky Road. Would that I could. I've got one book to write finish.  One to format for preorder.  Website stuff marketing stuff Sooper-secret project planning World Domination plotting Book cover lusting Maybe, if there's time left over, kid & hubby stuff. But I've got to do the damn things and be all accomplishy . Good thing I've got a few tricks up my hoodie-sleeve for that. Have a great weekend!

WIP Excerpt - Something Bound, Shadow Vampire #4

Unedited, still in the super-rough-draft phase! 🤐 I climbed out of my kid-sized rental car to test the formidable iron gate, but left the engine running and the radio blasting. I wanted to make a good impression on the neighbors, you know, just in case the ripped jeans, sh*t-kicker boots and fitted Cherry Bomb tee weren’t enough to seal the deal. The gate was locked. Of course it was, because I may be able to shoot fire out of my hands and suck a bad guy dry, but remembering a pesky little thing like keys is beyond me. I kicked the gate, hard, and felt the bones of my foot snap in response. “***profanities redacted***,” I cursed and hobbled around like a three-legged goat. The pain peaked and ebbed while I waited for my bones to knitting back together. I didn’t have to wait long – by the time Freddy Mercury made it through the chorus of Bohemian Rhapsody, I was right as rain and feeling no pain. I stared up the mountain, to my modest little castle perched high on the hil...

Setting up shop, brb

Welcome, and bear with me. I'm moving my blog and switching things up, for a cleaner look, and so that I can integrate my blog with my website. So check back soon, and we should be clipping along nicely by then. In the mean time, here's a meme of Pam and Terra. As a bonus, this is so me.